Land records 1858 - to the present - permanent |
Maps - permanent |
Minutes for boards, commissions, and Town meetings - permanent |
Dog license list - current - old ones held by the ANHR |
Fish & Game license information - retained for five years only |
Vital records - birth, marriage, death certificates - indexed by book (access to birth records is
restricted) - all records permanent |
Sexton reports - list by date of burials in Town of East Granby - permanent |
Election results |
Probate Court, District of East Granby |
Wills - permanent |
Inventories - permanent |
Office of the Assessor |
Street card for each building showing interior amenities, lot size, assessment, additions, and
certificates of occupancy |
Assessor maps showing layout of each parcel |
Photograph of each building |
Building Department |
Site plans |
History of buildings - additions, electrical work, certificates of occupancy |
Office of the Tax Collector |
Payment history for real estate, personal property, and automobile taxes |
Real estate tax history is a permanent record |
Automobile tax records are retained 15 years |
Water and sewer taxes are collected for areas served by these utilities |